Scientists have discovered the effects of antibiotics in children

It is a macrolide that is used to treat infections of the upper respiratory tract.

A team of scientists from the University of Helsinki found that taking early macrolide antibiotics (azithromycin, klatromitsin and others) can cause future occurrence of obesity in children and asthma, reports Live Science.

To such conclusions scientists have come in the course of the study the health of 142 children aged 2 to 7 years. Experts have studied the flora of the intestines and associated data to the number of courses taken for the life of antibiotics.

According to the study, the macrolides, which are considered the least toxic antibiotics, interfere with the proper development of the intestinal microflora, reducing the amount of bacteria. Thus, to recover after taking antibiotics, the child must be about a year.

In the case of re-use of macrolide antibiotics previously assigned term children increased risk of acquiring asthma, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and other immune diseases provoked indirectly system.

Antibiotics are taught to kill resistant bacteria

According to a study co-author Katri Korpela, re-use of macrolides for a year and depresses microflora with age slows down its development.

It was also found a definite relationship: the shorter intervals between doses were antibiotics, the more anomalies is formed in the microbiota of children.

At the same time, the researchers note that the penicillin group of antibiotics have not so noticeable effect on the child's body.

Earlier, scientists from Northeastern University in Boston, USA presented teixobactin, which is a new type of antibiotic, which is able to destroy a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria.